Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Day on the Moors

Most folks envision the Texas landscape to be little more than cattle ranches that simply sprawl out from the Dallas Cowboy stadium into the wild blue yonder, but there is actually a wide variety of landscapes that includes touristy beaches and rolling green hill country. I've had the good fortune to move to a small but progressive cool town just north of Austin that has a great artsy community and takes pride in it's Victorian architecture, the perfect place to give inspiration to a blog about an enchanting world. As a mother, I also love that my 4 year old son gets to experience the almost mystical parks in the area, despite the occasional angry goose. Every kid has to learn that lesson once, right? This weekend we went to Berry Springs Park and I felt like I was living in a Gothic novel. The atmosphere kept building to this beautiful, creepy climax of darkness and I half expected Heathcliff to appear from the fog...or Mr. Darcy. Pick your favorite fog hero and go from there. I also felt certain that Tolkein might have popped over to central Texas a time or two because the water was at once clear and murky, with plants and things just beneath the surface. It looked I would soon see the dead elves and men that Frodo sees as he's crossing over water. Here are a few photos that I left unedited, as that would only have diminished them.

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