Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Lock of Poe's Hair

There are so many ideas I have for posts, but I thought "What would be most festive just before Thanksgiving?" After much thought, I decided that Poe was really the way to go before getting the family together for a big meal and football. After all, he lived in New England, which is where the pilgrims landed, so it's a perfect fit!

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am thankful that I've moved back to the Austin area so that I have easy access to the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, one of the best Humanities collections in the world. I wandered around the exhibits between classes when I was a student, amazed that at any time I could pop over and see everything from photographs by the glorious Julia Margaret Cameron to an original Gutenberg Bible. It was like having tangible access to history. I still check the exhibit schedule every few months and I am convinced that my son shares my gothic sensibility because I went to see a Poe exhibit there when I was 24 hours pregnant with him. Poe is just powerful enough to work his way into genetics through osmosis.

The Poe collection at the Harry Ransom Center is full of letters, manuscripts, and personal effects...really personal. Like a lock of his oily, creepy hair. It's fantastic! Here are a few other things you can see next time they haul out all their bits and pieces of Poe...

Poe's writing desk

Detail from their original manuscript for "The Raven." 

Poe portrait by Arthur Garfield Learned - Image includes reference to "The Raven" and "Annabelle Lee," as well as the demons that haunted him.

The lock of Poe's hair.

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